African Tribal Paintings
Below we have a selection of African paintings, wall hangings, sketched art and banana leaf pictures that have been painted or crafted by individual artist from different countries within Africa. African painted art is known for its bright and colourful form and shows allot of what African life is like on a daily basis.
Allot of art is also painted in abstract form with emphasis placed on certain body parts or features of the person in the picture and makes for great conversion pieces. Although African artists are mainly known for their carving, weaving and beadwork there are still some really talented artists of this style of African art
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piece you can get more information by clicking on the image
African Hand Painted Zulu Paintings

Region: South Africa
Material: Canvas
Size: 80cm x 45cm (L x W)
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African Zulu Wall Hangings - Sketched

Region: South Africa
Material: Wood
Size: 30cm x 20cm (L x W)
Click MORE INFO for pricing details for various styles available
African Colorful Painted Village

From $15-00
Region: South Africa
Material: Canvas
Size: Variety
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African Hand Painted Elephant Picture

From $28-00
Region: South Africa
Material: Canvas
Size: Variety
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African Banana Leaf Animal Picture Art

Region: South Africa
Material: Banana leaf
Size: Variety
Click MORE INFO for pricing details for various styles available
African Banana Leaf Zulu Village Picture

Region: South Africa
Material: Banana leaf
Size: Variety
Click MORE INFO for pricing details for various styles available