Burchell zebra hides
African Crafts Market offers Top Quality A B C grade Zebra Skin Rugs. Our Burchell's Zebra Skin Rugs (Equus Burchelli) are hand picked and carefully selected for color, size and grade.
Burchell Zebra is not an endangered species and is not illegal to export to any countries in the world. In fact, they have been quite prolific. We require all the export permits needed to have the Zebra skin enter your country. The Zebra skin enters all countries through a fish and wildlife port in the specific country where customs will check to make sure that all documentation and export permits are in place before forwarding your Zebra skin through to you. You can feel confident that your purchase of a Zebra Skin Rug from African Crafts Market will be a legal, quality Burchell's Zebra Skin Rug! Burchell's Zebra Skin Rugs are culled and regulated by the African government for the legal export of Zebra skin rugs.
Hartmann Zebra do require special permits so please contact us should you be looking at squiring a Hartmann Zebra hide.
All our Zebra skin rugs are from the KwaZulu Natal province n South Africa and approved by KZN Wildlife for export which is a government run organization that we are registered with that allows up to legally sell games skins. They cull certain Burchell Zebras at different times of the year in order to maintain an ecosystem where the population of animals does not grow out of control and damage the environment for other animals.
The African Zebra ( Burchell's Zebra ) run in herds on the plains of Africa where many predators often survive only by tracking and consuming these wild zebras, many of these zebras only survive by out running or barely escaping these predators: as a result many of these zebras end up with scars or scaring from close calls with lions, cheetahs and many others not to mention thorns , cacti and a host of other things that stick , cut and create blemishes on their Hides , This is how and why we grade our Zebra Skin Rugs the way we do.
Our Zebra Skin Rugs are felted or unfelted this is your choice. We prefer the Zebra skin to be unfelted as it is then in its most natural state . Color on most Zebra Rugs vary from dark chocolate to light or medium chest nut color striping on white to off white background .
Our Burchell Zebra skins are about 2.8 m x 1.6 m in size
We offer a refund if you are not happy with your.
To order your Zebra skin from us please enter our African animals pelts main page at www.africancraftsmarket.com/products/animal-skins.html
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Visit our Skins sales website at www.africancraftsmarket.com//products/animal-skins.html
Order your Zebra skin directly from South Africa and from KZN Wildlife and know that your Zebra skin has come from a reputable source that is looking after the ecosystem in South Africa -we work closely with KZN Wildlife to make sure that your Zebra skin is 100% legal. Zebras are not endangered but if they are not looked after and controlled by effective government and Parks Board authorities there may be a chance that they could be endangered in the future. Never buy a Zebra skin if it does not have the correct documentation for export and signed by a proper game reserve official. If you do not check for these you may be supporting Poaching in Africa and you could end up in trouble.
African Zebra Skin Rugs - Zebra Cushions Pillows-from the South
African Leaders in Gifts and Curios
- A grade Zebra skins - Top quality, limited natural scaring, no hair loss
- B grade Zebra skins and - A good quality skin with a bit of natural
- C Grade Zebra skins - A full hide with scaring/ hairloss or cuts in the hide that have been patched.
- All hides are natural products taken from the wild. The nature of such products means that any hide will have some natural marks on the hide that have occurred due to the environment that Zebra live.
To view our prices please click this link Zebra skins
We have magnificent top quality African Burchell & Hartmann zebra skins and skin cushions with a beautiful glossy sheen -
Order your A B or C grade Zebra skin from us at www.africancraftsmarket.com/animal-skins.html
A Grade Burchell Zebra hide - $695 (SPECIAL OFFER ON CURRENT STOCK)
B Grade Burchell Zebra hide - $550 (SPECIAL OFFER ON CURRENT STOCK)
C Grade Burchell Zebra hide - $380
View Zebra skin gallery here
AFRICAN CRAFTS MARKET is a company situated in South Africa that has many Zulu pieces of art available for sale, from the lovely Zulu bead work and grass weave baskets through the traditional Zulu shields. To view the items that may be of interests to you go to our gallery pages on our website at www.africancraftsmarket.com